There is no management activity more misunderstood, abused and ignored than the act of implementing Change. Some have even suggested that the phrase “Change Management” is an oxymoron.
Peter de Jager is passionate about change, how it affects both individuals and organisations and allows them to grow and prosper.
He is able to transform the act of Managing Change from something we dread, to something we approach with skill, insight, wisdom and an increased chance of success.
Nice one Peter, not easy!
ESS Ltd. is delighted to announce that we are now working with Peter de Jager in both Ireland and the UK to deliver his highly entertaining learning experiences. A 2 day learning event on Change Management and a one day event on a human approach to Problem solving are immediately available.”
Click to read Peter’s article Getting “Buy-in” to something “New” , “7 Ways to Communicate Change“ and Ten Tips to Topple Resistance