He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils“. Francis Bacon 

EIreWe like to think that we practice what we preach here at ESS. We believe in (and preach!) Continuous Improvement and as part of our own CI, the management team here at ESS have embarked on a structured Leadership program in conjunction with the Swiss business school IMD and the Irish Management Institute here in Ireland, in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland.

The program is called Leadership for Growth.

This will be a high-impact, 9-month development journey to help us explore new directions for our business model, strategy, organisation and culture. Key to the program’s success is the close partnership between the IMD faculty who helped create the journey and the in-country experienced business coaches who play a critical role in its execution.

Kick off was this week in the IMI in Sandyford, Dublin, will continue both here in Ireland and in the IMD in Switzerland (and hopefully will help us to ward off any new evils).