Happy New Year to one and all and as we face in to 2014, we are also facing in to the imminent launch of ISO55000, the new ISO Standard on Asset Management.  For those who are groaning at the thought of yet another standard/regulation to be imposed on us, these standards claim that “the adoption of ISO 55000 &1&2 enables an organization to achieve its objectives through the effective and efficient management of its assets and that the application of an asset management system provides assurance that those objectives can be achieved consistently and sustainably over time.”

So, is this just another way for auditors to make money or  could it really be that the ISO55000 will make our lives easier?

MEETA, the Irish Maintenance  and Asset Management Society are going to explore just that theme on Jan 21st 2014 in the Greenhills Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick at 10.15  hrs (See attached link).

MEETA Evening Event 21-01-2014

No charge, networking opportunity, come along and make your own mind up!