As we continue to work on ways to sustain and improve our safety performance, we are currently running interactive events during October and November, designed to demonstrate/reinforce that it is through our behaviours that accidents happen or don’t happen.

The event is called “The Mousehole”, this is an interactive, highly engaging two-hour theatre based safety programme, delivered by a team of three.  Our objective is to enable a shift in understanding and mind-sets, which will influence behaviours and safe practices back in the workplaces where we deliver our services.  Common themes include personal responsibility, culture, risk taking and intervention/safety conversations.

“The Mousehole” helps to overcome one of the key challenges in changing behaviour and workplace culture; it generates ownership through awareness and shared understanding.

During this interactive session delegates have the opportunity to apply resonant lessons to their own organisations.

For further information, please contact Gillian on 061 326921 or email her at