Quick Changeover or SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)

is the standard method by which machines and processes are changed to run the next product in the shortest time & in the most effective way. Quick Changeover / SMED attacks one of the six classic wastes or losses of TPM in order to increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

In Manufacturing terms, customers are demanding more variety, in smaller lots and in shorter lead times. This goes against the traditional grain of running large batch sizes to give an apparently attractive production uptime ratio, but which usually results in excessive finished stock and work in progress with its inherent danger of damage and obsolescence.

Changeover Times Can Be Significantly Reduced

In effect, customers are forcing us to become smarter and more flexible by driving down Changeover times and this is precisely what the Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) or Quick Changeover Methodology sets out to achieve with dramatic effect.

ESS Ltd. together with our partner Peter Willmott of Willmott Solutions, bring over 15 years experience in helping companies across the complete spectrum of manufacturing to make significant and sustainable reductions in their Changeover times of anywhere between 30 and 80%.

The ESS Ltd. Single Multiple Exchange Of Die (SMED) Delivers:

  • Improved Response Time
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Smaller Batch Sizes
  • Reduced Inventory
  • Increased Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Improved Floor Space Utilisation
  • Reduced Waste in all its forms

The ESS Ltd. SMED comprises a 1 day onsite consultancy visit by Peter Willmott in addition to 1 day preparation prior to the onsite workshop.

Peter J Willmott BTech (Hons) FIEE and a Chartered Engineer is a recognised leading authority on the application of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) principles and has written 2 books on the subject matter of TPM. Over the course of his career, Peter Willmott has:

  • Chaired and presented papers on the subject of TPM and Maintenance Best Practice at Conferences and Seminars in over 20 Countries around the world and has also headed 5x Manufacturing Study Tours to Japan
  • In terms of his specific Quick Changeover experience, Peter recently contributed to the University of Bath’s Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre on their ‘Design for Quick Changeover’ Project
  • He is an External Lecturer for the Lean Enterprise Research Centre’s MSc Course in Lean Manufacturing for the TPM and Quick Changeover Modules, based at Cardiff Business School
  • Peter’s Quick Changeover (SMED) customers include: Avon Tyres, Esselte Stationery, General Motors, Lake Region Manufacturing, Northern Foods, Parker Hannifin, Pirelli Cables, Rank Hovis and the Royal Mint.